
Article I – Name

This organization shall be known as the Florida Bass Federation, Inc. (Hereinafter referred to as the Federation).

Article II – Purpose

The Federation’s purpose is to stimulate public awareness of bass fishing as a major sport, to offer the state fisheries department our organized moral support and encouragement, to promote full adherence to all conservation codes and request adequate water standards and legal enforcement of existing regulatory standards, to detect and report any polluter and call public and political attention to these acts, to improve our skill as bass anglers through the fellowship and friendly exchange of expert bass catching techniques and ideas, to promote and encourage youth fishing and instill in them knowledge and respect for our natural heritage and an appreciation of the basic rules of honesty, integrity, fair play, and good sportsmanship, to function as a dynamic and effective link with individual Clubs and other federations, embracing the principles and purposes of the Florida Bass Federation, Inc.

Article III – Membership

Section 1: Members
1. The members of the Federation are members in good standing of any of the clubs in the Federation.
2. The Clubs of the Federation shall include all of the clubs, associations, and any other organizations which have been duly chartered by the Federation
3. Only members in good standing shall be eligible to hold office in the Federation.
4. Eligibility for office shall also be conditioned upon satisfaction of all requirements and qualifications imposed in the Bylaws.
Section 2: Membership Dues
1. There will be an annual membership fee of fifteen dollars ($15.00) per member.
2. These dues are due and payable to the Federation on or before November 30th of the prior year.
3. Only those clubs that have duly paid their dues will be eligible to participate in qualifying tournaments and other Federation sponsored events.
Section 3: Active Membership Requirements
1. Each club must meet and maintain their affiliation requirements as set forth by the Federation.
2. Each club must have at least six (6) active members in order to be eligible to participate in the state qualifying tournaments.
3. Conduct or participate in a minimum of one youth event annually.
4. Conduct or participate in a minimum of one local or state Environmental Conservation function annually.
5. Documentation/verification for the youth event and environmental function must be presented 30 days prior to the State Championship.
6. Membership dues: Each club must meet the dues requirements outlined in Section 2, above, in order to be eligible for qualifying tournaments and other Federation sponsored events.
7. Clubs provide the Federation with current membership roster and the name and address of it’s designee(s) in the event of each of the following:
a. Application for affiliation
b. Renewal of membership in December of each year
c. Update of membership changes monthly as required
8. 100% of the Clubs’ individual membership shall be members in good standing with the Federation and any National Federation with which the Federation is affiliated.
Section 4: Forfeiture of Membership
1. Any club or individual member violating the Bylaws of the Federation or who are not in good standing with the Federation may be denied participation in Federation sponsored activities by two-thirds vote, with a quorum present, of the Board of Directors.
2. Any club not in compliance with paragraphs 3, 4 and 5 of Article III, Section 3 will result in a “Letter of Admonishment “from the Federation. Non compliance will result in the loss of affiliation with the Federation or other sanctions as deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors of the Florida Bass Federation.
3. The Board may consider such action to be in the best interests of the Federation. For flagrant reasons the Board may recommend removal of the club or individual from Federation membership.
Section 5: Non-Discrimination
1. There shall be no discrimination in membership or participation in the activities of the Federation by reason of race, creed, color, national origin or sex.

Article IV – Organization

Section 1: Regions
The Federation shall consist of four (4) regions as established by the Federation Board of Directors (hereafter referred to as the Board). The area of the regions of the Federation shall include the following:
1. The Northwest Region shall include that area of the state north and west of Interstate 75 and State Road 40.
2. The Northeast Region shall include that area of the state north and east of Interstate 75 and State Road 40.
3. The Central Region shall include that area of the state between State Road 40 on the north and State Roads 70 and 72 on the south.
4. The Southern Region shall include that area of the state south of State Roads 70 and 72.
Section 2: Board of Directors
The Board shall consist of:
1. The President of the Federation
2. 20 Regional Directors – the 20 Regional Directors will consist of five (5) Regional Directors from each Region referred to in Article IV, Section 1, and who are members in good standing.
3. The most recent past president, provided the following requirements are met:
a. Successfully served one complete term in the office of president.
b. Must be voted as to be in good standing with the Board of Directors.
c. This position is an honorary position to provide continuity with the past administration and gain the benefit of experience for the Board.
4. The Officers appointed by the President:
a. Vice President
b. Tournament Director
c. Secretary
d. Comptroller
5. The Special Directors appointed by the President:
a. Regional Vice Presidents: One Regional Director of the five (5) Regional Directors from each region shall be appointed by the President as a Regional Vice President.
b. Conservation Director
c. Youth Director
d. Public Relations Director
6. A Florida Bass Federation board member shall not concurrently hold any office in a competing tournament bass fishing organization except at the local club level.
Section 3: Meetings of the Board
The Board shall meet at least quarterly. The President may call additional scheduled or special meetings. Scheduled meeting dates, times and locations shall be announced to the membership prior to January 1 of the current year. The date, time, location and purpose of any special meeting must be announced to all of the Board of Directors at least 7 days in advance of the meeting. The announcement must be such that contact with each member of the Board can be verified.
Section 4: Procedural Rules for Meetings
The rules set forth in Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the Federation in all meetings in which they are applicable and not in conflict with the provisions of the Bylaws.
Section 5: Location of Meetings
The Federation shall conduct the state board meeting, held quarterly, at a central location within the state of Florida, in the Central Region, as described in Article IV, Section 1. Except for quarterly meetings, the Federation may utilize other meeting formats, such as via the Internet or telephone, on the condition that the attendees’ identification can be verified for the purpose of voting.
Section 6: Principle Office
The principle office and business address of this organization shall be the same as that of the Federation President.

Article V – Officers, Elections, and Terms of Offices

Section 1: Officers
The Officers of the Federation shall be as follows:
1. The President, who shall serve as Chairman of the Board.
2. The Vice President
3. Tournament Director
4. The Secretary
5. The Comptroller
Section 2: Elections and Terms of Office
Regional Directors:
1. The affiliated clubs in the respective regions shall elect Regional Directors, each club having one vote per Regional Director’s position available in their region. Regional Directors shall be elected no later than the fifteenth day of November to a term of two years, which shall begin at the first annual meeting of the Board following the election.
2. Three (3) Regional Directors one year and two (2) the next from each region shall be elected in alternate years to provide continuity within the Board. Should a vacancy occur within an elected term, the President should appoint a Regional Director to fill the rest of that Directors term, with the concurrence of the Board.
3. The clubs in each region shall be asked to nominate prospective Regional Directors in September of each year. Each nominee is required to be a member of the Florida Bass Federation in good standing for a minimum of one year.
4. Those nominated shall be placed on written ballots and returned to the affiliate clubs for a vote, each club voting only on those nominees from its respective region. The individuals receiving the majority of the votes in each region will be installed in office at the first meeting in January of the following year.
5. In the event that an insufficient number of nominations are received, the Board will select a sufficient number of Regional Directors to maintain the required balance from the membership at large.
The President:
1. The Board shall elect the President of the Federation.
2. A person elected President shall have served at least one year as a member of the Board.
3. The term of office of the President shall be for two (2) years beginning in January following the election.
4. A person elected as President shall be restricted to two consecutive terms.
5. Should a vacancy occur in the office of President, the Board shall elect a new President to fill the rest of that term, from those meeting the above requirements. The Vice President, Tournament Director, Secretary, Comptroller, Regional Vice Presidents, Youth Director, Conservation Director, Public Relations Director and Past President:
1. Except for the Past President, shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the Board.
2. Their term of office shall be for one (1) year beginning in January.
3. These offices, except for Regional Vice Presidents, shall be considered staff functions and are non-voting positions.
4. Any voting Regional Director who is offered and accepts a position as an Officer (Vice President, Secretary, Comptroller or Tournament Director) shall vacate their directorship by resignation. The positions of Regional Vice President, Youth Director, Conservation Director, Public Relations Director and Past President may be filled with an active Regional Director and, as such, that Regional Director will not be required to vacate his directorship.
5. Should a vacancy occur within these offices, the President shall appoint, with the approval of the Board, a replacement to fill the unexpired term of office.
6. Persons appointed to these offices need not be Regional Directors, except for the Regional Vice Presidents, but must be a member in good standing of the Federation and an affiliated club.
Section 3: Voting
1. In elections conducted by the Board of Directors, each Regional Director is entitled to one vote.
2. Elections of the President shall be by secret written ballot.
3. All decisions of the Board of Directors shall be by majority vote of a quorum of the Regional Directors present at any regularly scheduled meeting. A quorum shall consist of seven (7) voting directors.
4. The President shall only vote in case of a tie.

Article VI – Duties of the Officers

Section 1: Duties of the President
1. The President shall preside over all meetings of the Board and special meetings of the Federation;
2. Direct all official business of the Federation;
3. Supervise all Federation activities; appoint all committee chairmen; be the official representative of the Federation;
4. Delegate such duties as may be appropriate to better serve the Federation;
5. Maintain liaison with any organization desiring to conduct business with the Federation.
Section 2: Duties of the Vice President
1. The Vice President shall assist the President upon request.
2. Preside in the absence of the President.
3. Assume the responsibilities of the office of the President should it become vacated and until the Board elects a replacement to fill the unexpired term.
4. Shall be the coordinator for the Regional Vice Presidents
Section 3: Duties of the Secretary
1. The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all Board meetings and the official records of the Federation.
2. Maintain the official correspondence of the Federation; maintain in good order and submit as appropriate the documents necessary to the Federation’s compliance with the regulations of the state of Florida for corporations;
3. Perform other duties as directed by the President.
Section 4: Duties of the Comptroller
1. The Comptroller shall examine and monitor all Federation financial accounts and present written reports of those accounts at Board meetings.
2. The Comptroller shall not sign checks or otherwise disburse or transfer funds.
3. The Comptroller will receive and maintain all bank statements and other financial documents and will have internet access (view only) to each account so as to be able to monitor said accounts on a day-to-day basis.
4. The Comptroller will also receive and maintain paid expense vouchers and debit card receipts from the President, Vice President and the Tournament Director.
5. Should the Comptroller note any discrepancy or irregularity in any account that is not satisfactorily explained by the President, Vice President, or the Tournament Director he shall immediately notify each Regional Vice President of the irregularity.
6. The Comptroller will submit an annual report to the membership of each account at the first Board meeting of any new year.
Section 5: Duties of the Regional Directors
1. The duties of the Regional Directors shall include, but not be limited to, attendance at meetings of the Board and other functions of the Federation, representing the Federation and Board as authorized by the Bylaws, and representing their regions before the Board.
2. Schedule meetings with club presidents or club representatives at least semi-annually (preferably quarterly). The purpose of these meeting shall be to convey the policies of the Board to the individual clubs and to coordinate all functions of the Federation within that region.
3. The Regional Directors will promote, encourage and assist youth and conservation projects with their assigned clubs. Regional Directors should also assist in public relations and assist in FBF projects in their area to include tournaments.
4. The Regional Directors will maintain contact with the clubs of their responsibility as assigned by the Regional Vice President.
5. The Board of Directors shall have the right at any time to remove any Director or Officer from office for cause by majority vote, with a quorum present of the Board of Directors, and after opportunity to be heard, whenever, in its judgment, the Board considers such action to be in the best interests of the Federation.
Section 6: Duties of the Regional Vice Presidents
1. The duties of the Regional Vice Presidents shall include, but are not limited to, all the duties of the Regional Directors.
2. Additionally, they will insure that all Regional Directors, within their region, perform their assigned duties and act as liaison between the President and his Regional Directors.
3. Shall serve on the tournament committee chaired by the Tournament Director.
4. Shall serve on the Steering Committee.
Section 7: Duties of the Tournament Director
1. It will be the responsibility of the Tournament Director to plan, organize and operate all tournaments of the Federation
2. When prudent the Tournament Director will seek the council of the FBF President and Tournament Committee members when available before he rules with final authority on proper conduct, procedures, qualifications and other matters relating to the orderly conduct of such tournaments.
3. Shall appoint a Tournament Committee (see Article VII, Section 4) to assist in the planning, organizing and operating all tournaments of the Federation
4. All tournaments shall be conducted within the spirit and letter of the current Federation Tournament Rules as approved by the Board.

Article VII – Standing Committees

Section 1: Steering Committee.
1. There shall be a Steering Committee chaired by the President. The committee shall consist of the Regional Vice Presidents, the Vice President, the Tournament Director, and anyone else the President designates to attend the committee meeting. The purpose of the Steering Committee is to guide and advise the Board. The Steering Committee shall have no power above that of the Board.
Section 2: Conservation Committee
1. There shall be a Conservation Committee.
a. The President shall appoint an Environmental Director from the Federation members as chairman of the committee.
b. The committee shall further consist of one member director from each region appointed by the Regional Vice President.
c. The purpose of the committee shall be to protect our national environment from harmful change; to document and report to the proper authorities violations of anti-pollution laws, statutes, and regulations; to take political actions to improve our environment; to take legal actions where appropriate; to undertake informational and educational programs to bring public awareness to threats to our environment;
d. To take a leadership role in repairing the harm that has already been done to the life-giving waters of America.
Section 3: Youth Committee
1. There shall be a Youth Committee:
a. The President shall appoint a Youth Director from the Federation members as chairman of the committee.
b. The committee shall further consist of one member director from each region appointed by the Regional Vice President.
c. The purpose of the committee shall be to plan, organize, and implement annual youth events by all member Clubs.
d. To introduce our youth to the goals of the Federation.
e. To encourage member Clubs to sponsor a Junior angler Club;
f. To give our youth a basis for respect of our natural heritage and an appreciation for the basic rules of honesty, integrity, fair play, and good sportsmanship;
g. To give our youth an introduction the joy of fishing.
Section 4: Tournament Committee
There shall be a Tournament Committee, chaired by the Tournament Director.
The committee membership shall consist of the President, the Regional Vice Presidents and an Assistant Tournament Director, appointed by the Tournament Director.
1. It will be the responsibility of the Tournament Committee to assist in planning and organizing all tournaments of the Federation.
2. The Tournament Director will rule with final authority on proper conduct, procedures, and qualifications, and other matters relating to the orderly conduct of such tournaments.
3. All tournaments shall be conducted within the spirit and the letter of the current Federation Tournament Rules as approved by the Board.
4. The director and his assistant shall conduct its affairs so that only honor, integrity, sportsmanship and the highest ideals of fair play will accrue to it.
Section 5: Special Committees
The President may form special committees for well-defined purposes.
1. Special committees shall not supersede or otherwise infringe upon the duties and responsibilities of the above Standing Committee’s.
Section 6: Special Projects
1. The President may appoint a member of the Federation to research, design, create, and/or implement certain ad-hoc projects when it is determined that a committee is not required for the stated purpose.
2. The member will report directly to the President or whomever the President designates.
3. The designation given to such a position will not include the title “Director”.
4. This is not a staff position and any Regional Director appointed to oversee a project does not forfeit or suspend his voting status.
5. In no case shall the member be authorized to expend Federation funds or resources without prior approval.
6. Administrative and/or development costs may be approved by the President or Vice President but no capital outlays or permanent or fixed costs may be assumed without Board approval.

Article VIII – Finance

Section 1: Fiscal Year

The fiscal year of this federation shall begin on November 1 and end on October 31.

Section 2: Federation Income
1. Funds for the support and maintenance of the Federation shall be derived from membership dues, and special projects to be sponsored by the Federation.
2. Under no circumstances may the Federation accept monetary assistance from individuals, businesses, corporations, or governmental agencies if there is prima-facie evidence that the goals of these entities are contrary to the primary goals of the Federation.

Section 3: Federation Expenditures
1. All incurred Federation expenditures must have Board of Director approval except normal operating costs. Incurred expenditures are to be submitted via vouchers to the appropriate President or Tournament Director.
2. Expenses incurred by the President, Vice President or Tournament Director in the execution of their duties and responsibilities to the Federation shall be recorded on expense reports.
3. Periodically, the President shall propose and the Directors shall approve the allowable and maximum amount of reimbursable expenses for things like attending a Directors meeting, and other official Federation business.
4. The reasonable expenses of Board members shall be submitted via vouchers to the appropriate President or Tournament Director for payment.
5. Objection by any Board member shall require an action of the Board to pay the stated expense.
6. Only bank accounts specifically authorized by the Board of Directors shall be used to conduct Federation business, including deposits, transfers and payments. The authorization of transactions from each account shall be confined to the President, Vice President, and Tournament Director, with no less than two written authorizations, one being that of the President, required for any expenditure over $600.00, with the exception of dues payments to the TBF. All expenditures over $600.00 shall be reported to the Comptroller within 24 hours of the transaction.

Section 4: Audits
The books and records of the Federation may be audited by a certified public accountant selected by the Board of Directors if the Board so elects.

Article IX – Methods of Amending the Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws

1. Any club, officer, or member of the Board of Directors of the Federation may recommend an amendment to the articles of Incorporation or Bylaws.
2. All amendments shall be presented to the Board in writing at the January meeting or the first regular meeting of the year. The Board will vote on any amendments presented to the board in writing at that meeting. To enact any amendments at that meeting two thirds of the quorum of the Board present must vote for the proposal.
3. The Board will review and ratify the Federation Bylaws at the January or the first regular meeting of the year, as per Article X.
4. All other amendments shall be presented to the Board in writing at least one regular Board meeting prior to the vote. If the amendment is approved by the board it will not be affective until January of the following year.
5. Exception to paragraph 3 and 4 above. In the event an emergency is declared by the Federation President and two thirds (2/3) a majority of the Board present, the By-law change may be enacted prior to the following January.
6. Amendments to the Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws shall be noted at the end of the document in the following format: Article, Section, Paragraph; date changed, effective date.

Article X – Adoption

These Bylaws shall become effective after adoption by two-thirds vote of the quorum of the Board of Directors present.

Article XI – Dissolution
In the event of the dissolution of the Federation, all liabilities of the Federation shall be satisfied.


VIII, 2, 6; Amended – 7/22/2012, Effective – 7/2/2012: rules on co-signature of payments greater than $600.00
III, 1, 3; Amended – 1/13/12, Effective – 1/13/12: editorial
III, 2, 2; Amended – 1/13/12, Effective – 1/13/12: editorial
III, 4; Amended – 1/13/12, Effective – 1/13/12: moved to IV, 4
IV, 2; Amended – 1/13/12, Effective – 1/13/12: clarifications
IV, 3; Amended – 1/13/12, Effective – 1/13/12: meeting notification
IV, 5; Amended – 1/13/12, Effective – 1/13/12: meeting formats
IV, 6; Amended – 1/13/12, Effective – 1/13/12: moved to VIII
V, 2; Amended – 1/13/12, Effective – 1/13/12: clarifications, office title change
V: Amended – 1/13/12, Effective – 1/13/12: Regional Directors and dual positions
V, 3; Amended – 1/13/12, Effective – 1/13/12: only Regional Directors can vote
VI, 2; Amended – 1/13/12, Effective – 1/13/12: Added VP coordinator for the Regional VP’s
VI, 6; Amended – 1/13/12, Effective – 1/13/12: renamed to Steering Committee
VII, 1; Amended – 1/13/12, Effective – 1/13/12: clarified Steering Committee
VII, 6, 1; Amended – 1/13/12, Effective – 1/13/12: editorial
VIII, 1; Amended – 1/13/12, Effective – 1/13/12: Fiscal year
VIII, 3, 2; Amended – 1/13/12, Effective – 1/13/12: expense reports
IX, 6; Amended – 1/13/12, Effective – 1/13/12: history of changes required
VI, 7; Ammended – 1/25/14, Effective – 1/25/14: TD Duties
VII, 4; Ammended – 1/25/14, Effective 1/25/14: Tournament Committee
VIII, 6; Ammended – 1/25/14, Effective 1/25/14: Exception to $600 rule
Approved: 03/31/1985
Amended: 05/2000
Amended: 02/28/1993
Amended: 02/04/2002
Amended: 08/01/1993
Amended: 06/02/2002
Amended: 11/1997 Approved by Federation Board 08/25/2002
Amended: 10/2001 Amended: 12/07/2003
Approved: 01/25/04 Approved by Federation Board on 01/25/2004
Approved: 01/09/05
Amended: 01/22/06
Amended: 01/14/07
Amended: 01/13/08
Amended: 01/11/09
Approved: 1/10/2010
Approved by Federation Board on 01/09/2005
Approved by Federation Board on 01/22/2006Page 11 of 11
Approved by Federation Board on 01/14/2007 page 10 of 10
Approved by Federation Board on 01/13/2008 page 10 of 10
Approved by Federation Board on 01/11/2009 page 10 of 10
Approved by Federation Board on 01//10/2010 page 10of 1
Amended 1/9/2011 Approved by Federation Board on 01/09/2011 10 of 10
Amended 1/15/2012 Approved by Federation Board on 01/15/2012 10 of 10
Amended 1/12/2013 Approved by Federation Board on 01/12/2013
Amended 1/26/2014 Approved by Federation Board on 01/25/2014